Hi, I’m Gabriella. I live in Los Angeles, where I create, work part-time as a nurse practitioner and dedicate most of my time to acting.
I feel most like myself when I’m acting. I know that sounds weird, especially since I like playing villains, but I’m here to share my gifts in hopes of helping others.
I really like disrupting stereotypes. I want you to see how the “girl next door” can be 6’8”. With that being said, I understand why type-casting has its death-grip on storytelling. I’d be more than happy to play Mbaku’s wife or the Jolly Green Giant.
I’m a grounded creative, I keep it genuine. I’m not afraid to play in the unknown because my craft is rooted in discipline, listening and intuition.
If you want to know more, check out this article or email me.
Email: goloye3 [at] gmail [dot] com